Monday, October 30, 2006

Mass. is not ready for crippled voters

When it comes to voting in Mass. My friends, cripples seem to be in the back of an inaccessible bus. 28 out of 351 cities and towns will have crippled voting booths. That works out to be 440 out of 1700 polling places. So Lowell, Boston, Springfield, places with a lot of cripples will be hard pressed to meet the need. Now I wont be like some folks bring up the "c" word, you know conspiracy. I don't think because there is a republican in office and cripples tend to vote democrat, the folks now in office did not get machines. I think the foot dragging had more to do with the lack of cash flow for this issue. I will NOT be snide and say " oh, us cripples should be glad to be alive and stop complaining". Not going to do it (sound like Bush I, when I do that).
I will say that after over TEN YEARS with the A.D.A those in power should try to get the job done for '08.

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